Artists: Agostino Iacurci Gallery: Robert Grunenberg Photo by: Ivan Murzin (imdoku.art) 2024

NOW ON VIEW: AGOSTINO IACURCI grüne oase for tertianum group frankfurt

The Italian artist Agostino Iacurci associates Frankfurt with large green spaces such as the city forest and the Palmengarten – and Goethe. He was inspired by this when he was commissioned to create a large work of art on the scaffolding of the “Tertianum” construction project on Feuerbachstrasse in the Westend. The seven fantasy plants in his 20-metre-high, 2000-square-metre “green oasis” refer to oaks and lime trees in the city forest, exotic plants in the palm garden and Goethe’s “Metamorphosis of Plants”. Iacurci, who lives in Berlin, has already designed façade installations for several buildings, most recently for the Italian House at the Olympic Games in Paris. The project presented in Frankfurt is the largest he has realized to date.

Text: translated excerpt from FAZ https://www.faz.net/aktuell/rhein-main/frankfurt/fassadenkunstwerk-ist-von-goethes-naturlehre-inspiriert-19936242.html